Migrating from Octopress to Jekyll
After dreading the migration of this site from Octopress 2 to Jekyll for years, I finally found the will to do it today. The process was actually very straig...
After dreading the migration of this site from Octopress 2 to Jekyll for years, I finally found the will to do it today. The process was actually very straig...
Back in black, I hit the sack I’ve been too long, I’m glad to be back Yes, I’m let loose From the noose That’s kept me hanging about I’ve been lookin...
CIDER 0.9 (a.k.a. “EuroCIDER”) is finally out and it’s our best release yet! (shocker, right?) It took a lot more time than I originally anticipated, but at ...
Projectile 0.12 is finally out!
Can’t wait for Octopress 3.0 to be released! Octopress 2 is killing me and I was seriously considering going back to a plain Jekyll blog, before I saw 3.0 is...