Moving from WordPress to Jekyll
This is my first post after a very long hiatus partially induced by a migration of my blog from WordPress to Jekyll, which I started half an year ago and nev...
This is my first post after a very long hiatus partially induced by a migration of my blog from WordPress to Jekyll, which I started half an year ago and nev...
After a long period of planning I finally migrated my professional CV from Word to LaTeX last weekend. Since I live in the European Union I used the europecv...
Most of you probably have heard that Fedora 13 will feature experimental 3D support for the Nouveau open source driver for Nvidia cards. This support, howeve...
Recently I’ve been trying to switch my work environment theme to something with lower contrast (namely the excellent Zenburn theme). Swing applications, howe...
If you have access to the source, you can do this in the main method: