1 minute read

When I program in Java I usually leave the comfort of Emacs and use IntelliJ IDEA instead (for various reasons that are irrelevant to this post). IDEA has one particularly nice feature - “auto-save on focus lost”. Basically you never have to hit C-s there explicitly, because any time your current editor window loses focus its contents get flushed to the disk automatically. Implementing something exactly the same in Emacs is impossible (at least in Emacs Lisp), but we can create a solution that is similar in spirit at least - we can auto-save buffers when we switch the Emacs window or the current buffer (which are more or less the most popular ways to change editing focus in Emacs). This is easy to achieve in Emacs Lisp:

;; use shift + arrow keys to switch between visible buffers
(require 'windmove)
(windmove-default-keybindings 'super)

;; automatically save buffers associated with files on buffer switch
;; and on windows switch
(defadvice switch-to-buffer (before save-buffer-now activate)
  (when buffer-file-name (save-buffer)))
(defadvice other-window (before other-window-now activate)
  (when buffer-file-name (save-buffer)))
(defadvice windmove-up (before other-window-now activate)
  (when buffer-file-name (save-buffer)))
(defadvice windmove-down (before other-window-now activate)
  (when buffer-file-name (save-buffer)))
(defadvice windmove-left (before other-window-now activate)
  (when buffer-file-name (save-buffer)))
(defadvice windmove-right (before other-window-now activate)
  (when buffer-file-name (save-buffer)))

Obviously this code could have been written in a more compact manner with the use of a macro, but I’ve decided to use this more verbose variant for the sake of simplicity. We assume that you want to auto-save your current work (buffer) when you switch to a new buffer or to a new window (with either C-x o (other-window) or a windmove command).

XEmacs has a hook called deselect-frame-hook that can take the concept even further, but it’s absent from GNU Emacs.

So, that’s all for this tip, folks! I hope you’ve enjoyed it! Personally I find it much more useful that the standard auto-save mechanism in Emacs. And one more thing - Emacs Prelude naturally enables this functionality by default.