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I’m very fond of the ability to insert a new line below the line I’m currently at, and to position the cursor at the beginning of that new line, offered by most IDEs, such as IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse. It’s usually bound to Return (Enter) + Shift. Emacs (as far as I know) doesn’t have a command that does this thing by default, but one can easily create one, combining several well known commands in the process and bind that new command to the desired key combination. Here’s the snippet one might have in their .emacs (or other) “configuration” file:

;; insert an empty line after the current line and position the cursor on its beginning
(defun insert-empty-line ()
 (move-end-of-line nil)
 (open-line 1)
 (next-line 1))

(global-set-key [(shift return)] 'insert-empty-line)