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Automate the Creation of GitHub Releases

2 minute read

I maintain many open-source projects and one of the most common tasks for me is to “create a GitHub release”, which is more or less the process of attaching ...

Simple Ways to Run OCaml Code

2 minute read

When people think of OCaml they are usually thinking of compiling code to a binary before they are able to run it. While most OCaml code is indeed compiled t...

A Basic Helix Setup for JavaScript

2 minute read

Lately I’ve been a bit bored with my tried and true development tools and I’ve been playing with some alternatives. One of the most interesting tools I came ...

Replace Text in Multiple Files

1 minute read

Today I wanted to update a bit markup in my blog and it took me some time to get it right. Basically I wanted to replace the language in some fenced code blo...