7 minute read

Every programming language comes with some “batteries” included - mostly in the form of its standard library. That’s typically all of the functionality that’s available out-of-the-box, without the need to install additional libraries. (although the definition varies from language to language) Usually standard libraries are pretty similar, but I think that OCaml’s a bit “weird” and slightly surprising in some regards, so I decided to write down a few thoughts on it and how to make the best of it.

OCaml’s standard library is called Stdlib and it’s the source of much “controversy” in the OCaml community. Historically Stdlib was focused only the needs of the OCaml compiler (many people called it “the compiler library” for that reason) and it was very basic when it comes to the functionality that it provided. This is part of the reason why libraries like Jane Street’s Base and Core (alternatives to Stdlib), and OCaml Containers (complementary extensions to Stdlib) become so popular in the OCaml community.

From what I gathered, the compiler authors felt it was the responsibility of the users of the language to find (or create) the right libraries for their use-cases and preferred to keep the standard library as lean as possible. I get their reasoning, but I think this backfired to some extent, as it’s not something that many newcomers to a language would expect. The standard library was definitely a point of surprise and disappointment for me when playing with OCaml for the first time. I still remember how surprised I was that the book Real World OCaml began with the instructions to replace the built-in standard library with the more full-featured Base and Core libraries. I was used to fairly minimal standard library from my time with Clojure, but OCaml really outdid Clojure in this regard!

These days, however, I’ve noticed an increased focus on aligning the Stdlib functionality with the expectations of most programmers. That’s obvious when you check the recent OCaml releases, that feature many additions to it:

  • OCaml 5.1: 57 new standard library functions.
  • OCaml 5.2: Around 20 new functions added to the standard library.
  • OCaml 5.3: Around 20 new functions in the standard library (in the Domain, Dynarray, Format, List, Queue, Sys, and Uchar modules).

I’ve written about some of those recent additions in the past - e.g. List.take and List.drop and I think they’ll be quite helpful for newcomers to the language.

I think the trend to extend Stdlib started somewhere around OCaml 4.07 and has accelerated recently. That probably won’t surprise long-term users of OCaml, as the Stdlib module didn’t even exist before. I’ll come back to this topic later in the article.

Exploring Stdlib

The Stdlib module is automatically opened at the beginning of each compilation. All components of this module can therefore be referred by their short name, without prefixing them by Stdlib.

In particular, it provides the basic operations over the built-in types (numbers, booleans, byte sequences, strings, exceptions, references, lists, arrays, input-output channels, …) and the standard library modules. In OCaml 5.3 Stdlib consists of the following modules:

  • Arg: parsing of command line arguments
  • Array: array operations
  • ArrayLabels: array operations (with labels)
  • Atomic: atomic references
  • Bigarray: large, multi-dimensional, numerical arrays
  • Bool: boolean values
  • Buffer: extensible buffers
  • Bytes: byte sequences
  • BytesLabels: byte sequences (with labels)
  • Callback: registering OCaml values with the C runtime
  • Char: character operations
  • Complex: complex numbers
  • Condition: condition variables to synchronize between threads
  • Domain: Domain spawn/join and domain local variables
  • Digest: MD5 message digest
  • Dynarray: Dynamic arrays
  • Effect: deep and shallow effect handlers
  • Either: either values
  • Ephemeron: Ephemerons and weak hash table
  • Filename: operations on file names
  • Float: floating-point numbers
  • Format: pretty printing
  • Fun: function values
  • Gc: memory management control and statistics; finalized values
  • Hashtbl: hash tables and hash functions
  • In_channel: input channels
  • Int: integers
  • Int32: 32-bit integers
  • Int64: 64-bit integers
  • Lazy: deferred computations
  • Lexing: the run-time library for lexers generated by ocamllex
  • List: list operations
  • ListLabels: list operations (with labels)
  • Map: association tables over ordered types
  • Marshal: marshaling of data structures
  • MoreLabels: include modules Hashtbl, Map and Set with labels
  • Mutex: locks for mutual exclusion
  • Nativeint: processor-native integers
  • Oo: object-oriented extension
  • Option: option values
  • Out_channel: output channels
  • Parsing: the run-time library for parsers generated by ocamlyacc
  • Printexc: facilities for printing exceptions
  • Printf: formatting printing functions
  • Queue: first-in first-out queues
  • Random: pseudo-random number generator (PRNG)
  • Result: result values
  • Scanf: formatted input functions
  • Seq: functional iterators
  • Set: sets over ordered types
  • Semaphore: semaphores, another thread synchronization mechanism
  • Stack: last-in first-out stacks
  • StdLabels: include modules Array, List and String with labels
  • String: string operations
  • StringLabels: string operations (with labels)
  • Sys: system interface
  • Type: type introspection
  • Uchar: Unicode characters
  • Unit: unit values
  • Weak: arrays of weak pointers

Lots of good stuff here! Sure, it’s not anything like the standard libraries of languages like Ruby, Python or Java, but you have the basics covered, at least to some extent.

Note that unlike the core Stdlib module, sub-modules are not automatically “opened” when compilation starts, or when the toplevel system (e.g. ocaml or utop) is launched. Hence it is necessary to use qualified identifiers (e.g. List.map) to refer to the functions provided by these modules, or to add open directives.

One thing I found somewhat peculiar at first was the presence of two versions of some standard library modules - e.g. List and ListLabels. Both of them have the same functions, but the ListLabels module makes heavy use of labeled parameters. I’m not sure what’s the reasoning behind this, but I’m guessing this was influenced by the Base library, that’s using labels everywhere pervasively. Here are a few examples:

(* Using List module *)
let squares_list = List.map (fun x -> x * x) [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
(* Result: [1; 4; 9; 16; 25] *)

(* Using ListLabels module *)
let squares_list_labels = ListLabels.map [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] ~f:(fun x -> x * x)
(* Result: [1; 4; 9; 16; 25] *)

(* Using List module *)
let sum_list = List.fold_left (+) 0 [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
(* Result: 15 *)

(* Using ListLabels module *)
let sum_list_labels = ListLabels.fold_left [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] ~init:0 ~f:(+)
(* Result: 15 *)

The labeled arguments in ListLabels make it clear what each parameter means - e.g. ~init for the initial value and ~f for the folding function. I’m not sure how I feel about labeled arguments in general, as in most cases I don’t think they are really needed, but you’ve got the option if you want it.

One notable omission from Stdlib is some module for dealing with regular expressions. OCaml bundles the (controversial) str module, but it’s not part of Stdlib and you have to link it to your applications manually:

ocamlc other options -I +str str.cma other files
ocamlopt other options  -I +str str.cmxa other files

Not to mention that you probably want to use something different instead. (e.g. re)

Note: The documentation of Stdlib is excellent and I highly recommend everyone to peruse it.

Base or Stdlib?

A lot of people might be wondering whether to use Jane Street’s standard library Base or Stdlib? I’m guessing there was a time when Base offered bigger advantages over Stdlib, but today it’s harder to recommend Base over Stdlib. Especially when you factor in the library OCaml Containers which provides numerous extensions to Stdlib.

My advice for most newcomers would be to start with Stdlib and mix in Containers if needed. If you deem they are not enough for you - feel free to explore Base at this point.

I think Base (and Core) are excellent and battle-tested libraries, but I still think it’s a good idea for everyone to be familiar with OCaml’s “native” standard library. And for all of us to be pushing to make it better, of course.

A note about the core library

Sometimes you might hear mentions of OCaml’s “core library” (not to be confused with Core by Jane Street) and you might wonder what’s that exactly.

Well, the “core library” is composed of declarations for built-in types and exceptions, plus the module Stdlib that provides basic operations on these built-in types.

You can learn more about the core library here.

A note about Pervasives

Early on in my OCaml journey I’d find references here and there to a library named Pervasives, that sounded more or less like a standard library. Turns out that Pervasives got renamed to Stdlib in OCaml 4.07. Here are a few highlights from the release notes of this quite important release:

  • The standard library is now packed into a module called Stdlib, which is open by default. This makes it easier to add new modules to the standard library without clashing with user-defined modules.
  • The Bigarray module is now part of the standard library.
  • The modules Seq, Float were added to the standard library.

I know Pervasives was kept around for a while for backwards compatibility and it seems it’s no longer present in OCaml 5.x.


OCaml’s Stdlib is often cited as a reason why the language is not popular, and I think that’s a valid argument. Still, it seems to me that lately Stdlib has been moving in the right direction, and the out-of-the-box OCaml experience got improved because of this. I can only hope that this trend will continue and that as a result OCaml will become more beginner-friendly and more useful out-of-the-box.

What improvements would you like to see there going forward?

That’s all I have for you today. Keep hacking!