2 minute read

After dreading the migration of this site from Octopress 2 to Jekyll for years, I finally found the will to do it today. The process was actually very straight-forward and took me just a couple of hours (most of which I spent trying to find new a theme for the site and tweaking it afterwards).

Create a new Jekyll Blog

I think it’s best to just create a blank Jekyll blog and move there everything you need from your old blog.

$ jekyll new jekyll-blog

Copy posts and assets from the Octopress blog

$ cd octopress-blog
$ cp -r source/_posts path-to-jekyll-blog

You should also copy whatever assets (e.g. images) you had in your old blog to the new one. I like to keep the images under assets/images.

Remove Octopress Plugins

Octopress shipped many plugins that are not available with Jekyll.

I was using in my posts a lot http://octopress.org/docs/plugins/blockquote/ and http://octopress.org/docs/plugins/image-tag/, but replacing those was a trivial mechanical process.

There was a small difference in the permalinks format of my old Octopress blog and the new Jekyll blog. The old links looked like http://batsov.com/articles/2018/11/05/back-in-black/ and the new links were like http://batsov.com/articles/2018/11/05/back-in-black.html.

To preserve the old links I had to add this to _config.yml:

permalink: ":categories/:year/:month/:day/:title/"

Update posts’s front-matter

Seems through the years something has changed in the semantics of categories. Back in the day I think this was just a synonym for tags, but now categories are made part of the URLs (at least by default). For some reason with Octopress I had used only categories in my posts’s front matter, so I had to rename those keys to tags. I also had to add categories: articles to all my posts to preserve their old URL. Basically this:

layout: post
title: Migrating from Octopress to Jekyll
- Jekyll
- Octopress
- Tutorial

became this:

layout: post
title: Migrating from Octopress to Jekyll
categories: articles
- Jekyll
- Octopress
- Tutorial

Not sure how good my approach was, but it got the job done.

As an alternative articles can simply be made part of the default permalink:

permalink: "articles/:year/:month/:day/:title/"

Add jekyll-compose

Octopress had some nice rake tasks like rake new_post that I was found of. I noticed that out of the box Jekyll didn’t have anything like this, which was a bit frustrating. I quickly discovered the plugin jekyll-compose and it’s even better than the old rake tasks. Here’s how you can create a new post with it:

$ bundle exec jekyll post "New Post"

You can also use the plugin to manage your drafts, which I find extremely handy.

Party Time

That’s all there is to the migration! Now enjoy your wonderful new blog and write some amazing articles for it! I’m looking forward to reading them!