27 minute read


This is the second post from my series dedicated to modern programming languages for the Java platform. Last time we’ve discussed the Groovy programming language, which is a member of the ever expanding family of dynamic programming languages. The Scala programming language, that is the object of today’s discussion, is different beast entirely - not only it uses static typing(like Java & C# amongst others), but it also puts a heavy emphasis on the type system, functional and parallel programming.

In theory Scala runs both on the JVM and on the CLR(the .NET VM). The Java port, however, receives a lot more attention by Scala’s developers and it probably accounts for close of to all of Scala’s deployments(especially in production).

This article is extremely hard to write for me. Unlike Groovy, I’m deeply familiar with the language and would like to share quite a lot with you. For obvious reasons I cannot go into much detail (otherwise I’d have written an on-line book). You’re encourage to follow up this article by reading some of the excellent resources, mentioned near its end.

A brief history of Scala

After having written hundreds of thousands lines of Java himself, Martin Odersky, Professor at EPFL, was well aware of the frustrations faced by Java programmers. He formed the vision of applying the best knowledge of the academic research community to the problem of making the Java programming experience better, even fun. His first pragmatic step was Java Generics, seen as a major success by the Java community (though we should mention that it was C# that first brought generic programming to the masses). But for the full vision of scalable concurrent programming to be achieved he saw that the basic Java syntax would need to change. You simply couldn’t get there from here. But a deceptively simple shift in syntax gained better uniformity to the object-oriented aspects of Java, and this in turn enabled a natural fusion with functional programming concepts which are critical for tackling concurrency. In 2001 Scala was born. The first official version was released in late 2003. This year it celebrates its first anniversary in a way (depending on what do you consider the birthday).

Scala stands for a SCAlable LAnguage. What does this mean? Scala is designed to tackle solutions of wildly varying sizes - from small scripts (programming in the small) to massive distributed enterprise applications (generally programming in the large). Scala also means steps in Italian and this is the reason why most Scala books have some form of steps on their covers (arguably this is the reason why Scala is very popular in Italy and particularly in Milan).

The current production version of Scala is 2.8.1 with 2.9.0 being in the release candidate stages.

Installing Scala

Universal installer

Scala has an universal installer that could be ran on every platform with Java installed. You can run it from the console like this:

$ java -jar scala-2.8.1.final-installer.jar

Alternatively, on most systems simply double clicking the installer jar will run it(assuming you have a GUI environment and assuming that the java command is associated with jar files - something that is usually so by default).

Installing from binary archive

Just download the Scala distribution for Unix, OS X and Cygwin or the one for Windows and extract it somewhere. I’m a GNU/Linux user and I tend to extract all third party apps in the /opt folder:

$ sudo tar xf scala-2.8.1.final.tgz -C /opt

You’d also want to add the folder containing the Scala binaries (compiler, REPL, etc) to your PATH environmental variable. Unix users might add something like this to their shell startup script (like .bashrc):

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/latest
export SCALA_HOME=/opt/scala-2.8.1

You should now have Scala installed properly. You can test this by typing the following in a command shell:

$ scala

Which should create an interactive Scala shell where you can type Scala expressions.

To run a specific Scala script type:

$ scala SomeScript.scala

Linux installation

Most Linux distributions provide Scala through their integrated package management system. On Debian(and derivatives like Ubuntu) you can install it like this:

$ sudo apt-get install scala

On Red Hat systems the magic incantation looks like this:

$ sudo yum install scala

Personally I’d prefer the platform-independent installation method, since some distribution package Scala in a non-standard manner, which confuses IDEs for instance.

Scala at a glance

If I were to pick a language to use today other than Java, it would be Scala…

–James Gosling, creator of Java

If Java programmers want to use features that aren’t present in the language, I think they’re probably best off using another language that targets the JVM, such a Scala and Groovy.

–Joshua Bloch, author of “Effective Java” and many of Java’s core libraries

Scala basically is:

  • SCAlable LAnguage
  • Pure OO language
  • Functional language
  • Statically typed language
  • A language that integrates seamlessly with existing Java code
  • A great community

Scala’s more prominent features are:

  • Type inference
  • Advanced type system
  • Improved OO model
  • Improved imports system
  • Simplified visibility rules
  • Suitable for scripting, GUI, enterprise
  • Relies on immutable data structures by default
  • Great support for building parallel applications
  • Pimps (improves) a lot of standard Java classes using a technique called implicit conversion.

Static vs Dynamic typing

This is one of the oldest debates in computing and everyone with a little bit of common sense knows that there is no definitive answer to this so fundamental question. Both approaches have merits and drawbacks. In recent years we saw a rapid explosion in the rate of growth of dynamic languages which lead many people to believe that static typing is something of the past and is headed down on the road to oblivion. I , however, very much doubt such a possibility. So, without further ado here’s my take on their pros and cons:

Dynamic typing

  • Pros
    • Less verbose
    • Better metaprogramming capabilities - it’s very easy in a language like to Ruby to modify a class at runtime for instance. Java developers, on the other side, can only dream for such things…
    • Duck typing allows to reduce immensely the coupling between your classes
    • Reduced development and deployment cycles - most dynamic languages are implemented as interpreters and this way you’re spared the tedious compilation/redeployment cycles
  • Cons
    • Some might argue that type declarations serve as an additional documentation and their lack (arguably) make the code harder to read. Of course, when you’re following a decent naming convention (and by that I mean that you’re using sensible identifiers) that hardly matters.
    • Slower performance - knowing all the types in advance, naturally, allows the compilers to generate faster code for static languages than for dynamic ones. Some Lisp compilers, however, offer performance that rivals that of statically typed programs, so it’s reasonable to expect that the situation in this department will improve over time.
    • It’s hard to create IDEs for dynamic languages that offer the same level of assistance as those for static languages. The problem stems from the simple fact that in a dynamic language the type of an object is known only at runtime and an IDE will have a pretty hard type guessing the types because of this fact. In my humble opinion the lack of all the fancy IDE features like reliable code completion and refactorings is one of the central reasons why statically type languages like Java, C# and C++ are still enjoying higher popularity than dynamic languages.
    • You need to write more unit tests, because many of the simple errors that the compiler of statically typed language will detect will manifest themselves only at runtime.

Static typing

  • Pros
    • Mighty development environments, capable of compensating for a lot of the languages deficiencies. You always get correct completion suggestions (in a decent IDE that is), all type errors are caught as you type (except the runtime errors that is).
    • Reliable refactoring - you make some changes, you recompile the project, you instantly see whether everything is OK after the refactoring. One of the key reasons why enterprise projects are often implemented in Java and C#.
    • Maximum performance - when you know all the types in advance it’s not particularly hard to generate the most efficient in terms of performance bytecode/binary code.
    • You don’t need to write unit tests for errors that will be caught by compiler.
    • The type declarations arguably serve as an up-to-date documentation on which you can always rely.
  • Cons
    • Poor metaprogramming support - statically typed system limit very much the magic you can do in you programs. Metaprogramming is actually considered a black art in many statically type languages. In a functional statically typed language higher-order functions can compensate a lot in that department. Scala happens to be one such language, Haskell - another.
    • Generally statically type languages are a bit more verbose - mostly because the code is full of type annotations (languages like Scala and Haskell, however, have found the cure for this ailment - type inference)
    • No support (in most statically typed languages) for duck typing causes you to often link classes in hierarchies that you’d rather avoid if you had the chance to. I should point out that languages supporting structural types are not suffering from these problems. Scala happens to support them from version 2.6.0.

A whirlwind tour of Scala

Scala is expressive

scala> val romanToArabic = Map("I" -> 1, "II" -> 2, "III" -> 3, "IV" -> 4, "V" -> 5)
romanToArabic: scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.String,Int] = Map((II,2), (IV,4), (I,1), (V,5), (III,3))

scala> romanToArabic("I")
res2: Int = 1

scala> romanToArabic("II")
res3: Int = 2

Scala removes the incidental complexity

Scala removes the incidental complexity and cut right to the core of the problem. Imagine that you want to find whether or not a string contains uppercase characters. In Java you’d write something like this:

public boolean hasUpperCase(String word) {
    if (word == null) {
        return false;
    int len = word.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (Character.isUpperCase(word.charAt(i))) {
            return true;
    return false;

So much boilerplate code (loop, if) to express such a basic idea. In Scala you’d simply write:

def hasUppercase(word: String): Boolean = {
  if (word != null)
    word.exists(c => c.isUpperCase)

// or more compactly
def hasUppercase(word: String) = if (word != null) word.exists(_.isUpperCase) else false

Scala’s code actually reads a lot like English language that makes sense to humans - check if in word there exists an uppercase character. Notice that is Scala if is an expression yielding a return value, unlike in many other languages.

Scala is concise

Consider this simple JavaBean (well, not exactly JavaBean to be precise - it lacks a no param constructor) definition:

class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;

    Person(String name, int age) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    public int getAge() {
        return age;

    public void setAge(int age) {
        this.age = age;

In Scala the equivalent definition looks like this:

class Person(var name: String, var age: Int)

This is what I call a good signal-to-noise ratio.

Scala supercharges OO programming

Scala is pure OO language - everything is an object, operators are actually methods, everything yields some result(even constructs such as if), there are no static field and methods

Scala is power overwhelming

Want to implement a thread-safe mathematical service in Scala? No problem!

import scala.actors.Actor._

case class Add(x: Int, y: Int)
case class Sub(x: Int, y: Int)

val mathService = actor {
  loop {
    receive {
      case Add(x, y) => reply(x + y)
      case Sub(x, y) => reply(x - y)

mathService !? Add(1, 3) // returns 4
mathService !? Sub(5, 2) // returns 3

Case classes are out of the scope of this post, but I guess you get the basic idea.

Scala is duck friendly

Duck typing is nothing new for developers familiar with dynamic languages. Its the concept that an objects type is defined not by the objects class, but by the objects interface. This allows us to write very flexible code that works on unrelated types (in the inheritance hierarchy) that happen to share common methods. For instance in Ruby we could write this code:

class Duck
  def walk
    puts "The duck walks"

  def quack
    puts "The duck quacks"

class Dog
  def walk
    puts "The dog walks"

  def quack
    puts "The dog quacks"

def test_animal(animal)


It will work just fine - trust me. Few statically typed languages can boast something similar… and Scala happens to be one of them:

class Duck {
  def quack = println("The duck quacks")
  def walk = println("The duck walks")

class Dog {
  def quack = println("The dog quacks (barks)")
  def walk = println("The dog walks")

def testDuckTyping(animal: { def quack; def walk }) = {

scala> testDuckTyping(new Duck)
The duck quacks
The duck walks

scala> testDuckTyping(new Dog)
The dog quacks (barks)
The dog walks

This is point in the article when Ruby and Python are starting to get impressed. (I should know - I’ve learnt about this feature after I’ve written the first draft and got some negative feedback due to my oversight).

Pimp my library

Want to make the compiler convert between types from time to time to get access to some richer functionality? Nothing is easier in Scala:

scala> implicit def intarray2sum(x: Array[Int]) = x.reduceLeft(_ + _)
intarray2sum: (x: Array[Int])Int

scala> val x = Array(1, 2, 3)
x: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3)

scala> val y = Array(4, 5, 6)
y: Array[Int] = Array(4, 5, 6)

scala> val z = x + y
z: Int = 21

Scala arrays don’t have a + method, but Scala Ints do. When the compiler sees that the + method is invoked on an object that doesn’t have it, it starts searching for an implicit conversion to a type that has it - like Int. Both arrays are converted to their sums and the sums are added together in the end.

Playing around

A good way to start exploring Scala is the REPL. Fire it up and type along:

scala> println("Hello, Scala")
Hello, Scala

scala> val name = "Bozhidar"
name: java.lang.String = Bozhidar

scala> Predef.println("My name is "+name)
My name is Bozhidar

scala> var someNumber: Int = 5
someNumber: Int = 5

scala> var names = Array("Superman", "Batman", "The Flash", "Bozhidar")
names: Array[java.lang.String] = Array(Superman, Batman, The Flash, Bozhidar)

scala> names.filter(name => name.startsWith("B"))
res6: Array[java.lang.String] = Array(Batman, Bozhidar)

scala> names.length
res7: Int = 4

scala> name.length()
res8: Int = 8

scala> import java.util.Date
import java.util.Date

scala> var currentDate = new Date
currentDate: java.util.Date = Wed May 11 15:03:20 EEST 2011

scala> println("Now is " + currentDate)
Now is Wed May 11 15:03:20 EEST 2011

scala> currentDate.toString
res10: java.lang.String = Wed May 11 15:03:20 EEST 2011

scala> currentDate.toString()
res11: java.lang.String = Wed May 11 15:03:20 EEST 2011

scala> currentDate toString
res12: java.lang.String = Wed May 11 15:03:20 EEST 2011

The REPL has an excellent TAB completion - I used it ofter. You’ll note from these examples the flexibility and the brevity of Scala’s syntax - no ; to terminate statements (though you’ll have to use ; to separate more than one expression on a single line). The types of the variables are inferred by the context, without the need to specifically specify them - if you assign a string literal to some variable the compiler will figure out on its own that the variable must of type String (also note that Scala strings are Java strings - at least on the JVM). You’ve got a lot of flexibility when you’re calling methods - you can omit the braces and the dot in some scenarios - this makes it easy to create Domain Specific Languages in Scala.

The REPL outputs both the result of the expression you’ve evaluated and the output from the evaluation (if any). The result from the evaluation is assigned to automatically generated variables named resX (res0, res1, res3) and you can refer to them later on.

Object orientation purification

  • Everything is an object - there are no primitive types in Scala, though the compiler will map some Scala types to primitive Java types for performance whenever possible
  • No operators, just methods
    • 1 + 2 === 1.+(2)
  • No static fields & methods - replaced by companion objects (a singleton object named the same way as the class). What would be a static field of a static method in Java will be a companion object field/method in Scala. This makes the Scala OO model purer than that of some other languages (of course in languages like Ruby where classes are objects class variables and methods have more or less the same meaning and the model is just a pure if not purer).

  • Traits - the evolution of interfaces
    • Traits are interfaces on steroids
    • They can contain state as well as behaviour
    • Think of them more as Ruby’s mixins than Java’s interfaces
    • They can be implemented on the fly by objects
    • They are too complex to be properly explained in one short blog post

Functional programming

Functional programming has many aspects, but to get the bulk of it you need just two magical ingredients - support for functions as objects and a nice array of immutable data structures. Scala, naturally, has both. Traditionally OOP languages have rarely had much support for functional programming, which makes it awkward to express some problems in them. Steve Yegge wrote an excellent article on the subject some time ago - “Execution in the kingdom of the nouns”.

Return of the verbs

  • Functions are first class objects
    • val inc = (x: Int) => x + 1
    • inc(1) // => 2
  • Higher-order functions
    • List(1, 2, 3).map((x: Int) => x + 1) // => List(2, 3, 4)
  • Sugared functions
    • List(1, 2, 3).map(x => x + 1)
    • List(1, 2, 3).map(_ + 1)


Closures are basically functions that have captured variables from an external scope (variables that were not parameters of the functions). Closures are often used as the parameters of higher-order functions (functions that take functions as parameters):

scala> var x = 10
x: Int = 10

scala> val addToX = (y: Int) => x + y
addToX: (Int) => Int = <function1>

scala> addToX(2)
res0: Int = 12

scala> addToX(6)
res1: Int = 16

scala> x = 5
x: Int = 5

scala> addToX(10)
res2: Int = 15

Functional data structures

Functional programming revolves around the concept of immutability - nothing is ever changed - we have some input, we get some output and the input is not changed in the process. Consider a simple operation like an addition of an element to a list:

  • the operation could modify the list to which the element is being added
  • the operation can return a new list that is the same as the original, but has the additional element

Functional programming favours the second approach and Scala as a functional programming language provides data structures with the desired behaviour.

  • List - think here of Lisp lists and not Java lists(unless you’re thinking of Java linked lists that is)
  • Maps
  • Sets
  • Trees
  • Stacks

Scala doesn’t force you into functional programming, though. Apart from the List, which is always immutable, we have two types of all the core data structures mentioned - immutable and mutable. The immutable data structures are those imported by default to promote a more functional programming style, but you can easily switch to the mutable versions and program in an imperative manner.

scala> import scala.collection.mutable.Map
import scala.collection.mutable.Map

scala> val phoneBook = Map("Bozhidar" -> 123, "Ivan" -> 456)
phoneBook: scala.collection.mutable.Map[java.lang.String,Int] = Map((Ivan,456), (Bozhidar,123))

scala> phoneBook += "Maya" -> 53434
res13: phoneBook.type = Map((Maya,53434), (Ivan,456), (Bozhidar,123))

List almighty

The list is a core data structure in functional programming because it is recursively defined and therefore it’s very suitable for use in recursive algorithms. A list is composed of cons cells, each having two components - the value it holds and a reference to a next cons cell. The last cell points to a special value - Nil (which happens to represent an empty list).

1 | -> 2 | -> 3 | -> Nil

Here’s some things you can do with Scala’s lists:

scala> 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: Nil
res3: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

scala> val names = List("Neo", "Trinity", "Morpheus", "Tank", "Dozer")
names: List[java.lang.String] = List(Neo, Trinity, Morpheus, Tank, Dozer)

scala> names.length
res4: Int = 5

scala> names.foreach(println)

scala> names.map(_.toUpperCase)
res6: List[java.lang.String] = List(NEO, TRINITY, MORPHEUS, TANK, DOZER)

scala> names.forall(_.length > 5)
res7: Boolean = false

scala> names.forall(_.length > 2)
res8: Boolean = true

scala> names.filter(_.startsWith("T"))
res9: List[java.lang.String] = List(Trinity, Tank)

scala> names.exists(_.length == 3)
res10: Boolean = true

scala> names.drop(2)
res11: List[java.lang.String] = List(Morpheus, Tank, Dozer)

scala> names.reverse
res12: List[java.lang.String] = List(Dozer, Tank, Morpheus, Trinity, Neo)

scala> names.sortBy(_.length)
res13: List[java.lang.String] = List(Neo, Tank, Dozer, Trinity, Morpheus)

scala> names.sort(_ > _)
res14: List[java.lang.String] = List(Trinity, Tank, Neo, Morpheus, Dozer)

scala> names.slice(2, 4)
res16: List[java.lang.String] = List(Morpheus, Tank)

Pattern matching

You can think of Scala’s pattern matching as a super charged version of switch, capable of matching on a variety of criteria and of destructuring that matched objects. Here’s a simple example:

scala> def testMatching(something: Any) = something match {
     |   case 1 => "one"
     |   case "two" => 2
     |   case x: Int => "an integer number"
     |   case x: String => "some string"
     |   case <xmltag>{content}</xmltag> => content
     |   case head :: tail => head
     |   case _ => "something else entirely"
     | }
testMatching: (something: Any)Any

scala> testMatching(1)
res18: Any = one

scala> testMatching("two")
res19: Any = 2

scala> testMatching(2)
res20: Any = an integer number

scala> testMatching("matrix")
res21: Any = some string

scala> testMatching(<xmltag>this is in the tag</xmltag>)
res22: Any = this is in the tag

scala> testMatching(List(1, 2, 3))
res23: Any = 1

scala> testMatching(3.9)
res24: Any = something else entirely

Pattern matching gives you a new way to implement common programming task. For instance consider the following trivial problem - computing the length of a list:

def length(list: List[Any]): Int = list match {
  case head :: tail => 1 + length(tail)
  case Nil => 0

Sure, it’s not tail-recursive, but it’s pretty neat. Now that I mentioned tail-recursion I should probably say a bit more about it. Recursive solutions generally look very nice in source form, but performance-wise are not that great because each recursive call creates a new stack frame and what’s even worse is that stack frames are limited - create too many of them and your program will blow up. This doesn’t mean that we should start coding everything imperatively, of course. Some compilers have the ability to optimize away recursive calls if the last thing that happens in the recursive function is a call to the function itself. In the case of our function length, unfortunately, the last call happens to be of the method + of the object 1 (of class Int). We can improve the solution this way:

def length(list: List[Any]): Int = {
  def lengthrec(list: List[Any], result: Int): Int = list match {
    case head :: tail => lengthrec(tail, result + 1)
    case Nil => result

  lengthrec(list, 0)

Notice that we now have a nested helper method with a second parameter, an accumulator value. This pattern often recurs when dealing with tail recursion - we take the original recursive definition and introduce a helper method using accumulator that is tail recursive. The outer method just calls the helper method and waits for the result. The Scala compiler will translate internally this recursive function into a something like a loop and the performance will be greatly improved, while preserving the clarity of the recursive approach.

Some languages (like Scheme) will always optimize tail calls. Because of limitations in the JVM not all tail calls can be optimized in Scala (for now), but some tails recursion is better than none.

Parallel programming

With the advent of multi-core processors concurrent programming is becoming indispensable. Scala’s primary concurrency construct is actors. Actors are basically concurrent processes that communicate by exchanging messages. Actors can also be seen as a form of active objects where invoking a method corresponds to sending a message. Actors are not a new idea - Scala’s actor library draws heavy inspiration from Erlang - a programming language notable for its support for the development of distributed highly parallel systems.

The Scala Actors library provides both asynchronous and synchronous message sends (the latter are implemented by exchanging several asynchronous messages). Moreover, actors may communicate using futures where requests are handled asynchronously, but return a representation (the future) that allows to await the reply.

All actors execute in parallel by their nature. Each actor acts as if it contains its own dedicated thread of execution.

Here’s a very simple actor example. The echoActor runs forever and waits for messages:

import scala.actors.Actor._
val echoActor = actor {
    while (true) {
        receive {
            case msg => println("received: "+msg)

echoActor ! "Chuck Norris is the only real actor!"
echoActor ! "You don't find Chuck Norris - Chuck Norris finds you!"

Here the actor just waits for messages and responds to them by printing them to the console. Since the article’s size is already quite impressive I won’t go into any further details about the actors.

I want you to know that actors are not the only way to write parallel programs in Scala. You still have access to the native Java (or .Net) primitive like threads, locks, executors, etc. Another option is the Scala implementation of Software Transactional Memory(STM) - a parallel programming model made recently popular by the Clojure programming language. Scala’s implementation is a work in progress and you can have a look a it here. STM is basically a programming technique that lets you model concurrent operations in a way similar to db transactions - you combine the critical code in a transaction and if possible execute it and commit the transaction, otherwise just rollback it and maybe try again after a while. Note that this is a great oversimplification of what’s actually happening - for all the gory details you should read the exhaustive documentation.


We all know that even the best programming language can be rendered useless by the lack of good development tools for it - powerful text editors, integrated development environments, profilers, build tools, etc. Scala is a relatively young programming language that became really popular just recently and as a result there are still no development environments for Scala as powerful as those for Java (although since both languages use static typing eventually the environments will be on par). Most popular Java IDEs features feature some form of Scala support and most Java build tools as well.

  • IDE
    • IntelliJ IDEA - the ultimate Scala IDE at the moment. It works quite well, but it’s a bit buggy that the moment (which is to be expected of something with some many beta features).

    • Eclipse - the most popular Java IDE has a Scala plug-in that until recently was mostly useless, but currently is being totally reworked and the next stable version will bring usable Scala support to the Eclipse users. The development of the new Scala plug-in is headed by none other than Martin Odersky himself. Don’t bother using the older version at all - just grab the latest beta.

    • NetBeans - Presently the Scala support in NetBeans is a bit basic, but it’s usable.

    • Emacs ENSIME - Ok, I admit - Emacs is not actually an IDE per se, but it’s still much more powerful than most IDEs. Emacs happens to have an excellent Scala mode, called ENSIME that gives you code completion, instant feedback, an integrated REPL, SBT integration, refactorings and other goodies in an Emacs package. The project attempts to be the equivalent of the legendary SLIME ( an Emacs mode for Common Lisp) for Scala. ENSIME is integrated into the Emacs Dev Kit(maintained by yours truly).

  • Scala distribution
    • scala - A Scala REPL for exploratory programming; it’s also the Scala “interpreter” and the Scala class runner

    • scalac - the Scala compiler

    • fsc - fast Scala compiler. The Scala compiler is notoriously slow to start and fsc is a partial solution to this problem. The fsc runs as a daemon and waits to receive files to compile. Maven’s scala:cc and sbt’s ~compile continuous compilation task use fsc internally.

    • sbaz - The Scala Bazaar System, sbaz for short, is a packaging system developed to automate the task of mainaining a Scala installation. The program allows you to easily upgrade your installation as soon as a new version is available. You can also contribute your own packages, and make them easily available to other sbaz users.

  • Build tools

Killer apps

Scala presently doesn’t have that many killer apps. Here are the most prominent:

  • Lift web framework - Lift is a web framework that has cherry-picked some of the best ideas from existing frameworks and added some novelties of its own to harness the capabilities of the Scala programming language.
    • Lazy page loading
    • Parallel rendering
    • Comet & Ajax
    • Wiring
    • Designer friendly templates
    • Wizard
    • Security
  • Play framework - Play focuses on developer productivity and targets RESTful architectures. It has both a Java and a Scala API. It’s considered by many to be the first Java web framework that was actually made by web developers.

  • Akka - A powerful library for writing concurrent applications using Actors, STM & Transactors. It has both Scala and Java API.

  • SBT - a powerful build tool

Success stories

  • Twitter - you remember how often Twitter used to go down because of overloads and suddenly the problems stopped - no, this was the moment in which Twitter’s backend was rewritten in Scala (that moment never actually came)… I have it on good authority that the problem was actually resolved by great improvements in their Ruby code base. But they use Scala there - Twitter had a Ruby-based queueing system that we used for communicating between the Rails front ends and the daemons that often crashed under heavy loads, and they ended up replacing that with one written in Scala.
  • Four square - Four square uses Lift as well
  • LinkedIn
  • SAP
  • Guardian.co.uk

Comparison to Java

It’s only natural that Java developers are interested in how Scala stacks up to Java:

  • Pros
    • Scala is fast, just as fast as Java. Some might wonder why this is a feature - they should take a look at the performance of the most of the other JVM langs and they’ll understand. Granted, all of the performance benefits come from the use of static typing in Scala, but Scala’s code is often as concise as the code written in a dynamic language like Ruby or Groovy.
    • Great Java interoperability
    • Scala removes a lot of the incidental complexity of programming and let’s you express your thoughts directly in the source code
    • The syntax of Scala is mostly uniform and you can usually easily create new abstractions that look like language built-ins.
    • Scala features great support for parallel programming.
    • Runs on both Java and .Net (at least in theory)
  • Cons
    • Some aspects of the language are fairly complex like the subtyping rules for instance. This will probably scare off some people, but I can assure you that this complexity is superficial and once you’ve grasped enough of Scala everything will fall into place and seem to you the most natural thing in the world.
    • Calling Scala from Java is not as easy as calling Java from Scala.
    • The core API is still subject to constant changes and most new Scala version are not backward compatible with the old ones (unlike in Java).
    • Scala’s community (albeit very friendly and helpful) is current tiny compared to Java’s. You might not get an assistance from the community as quickly as you’d get it for Java related problems.



Scala’s future is nothing but bright. It uses static typing, which is familiar to so many Java and C# developers, and is also the prerequisite for creating very helpful IDEs. Scala runs on the venerable Java platform and easily leverages all of its power while adding a lot of magic of its own - implicits, type inference, pattern matching, functional programming support, actors and others.

It’s my personal opinion that if any language has the chance to displace Java as the king of the world - that might be Scala. In all likelihood this will never happen - rarely has the greatest solutions enjoyed the greatest popularity (remember the Betamax vs VHS?). I do believe, however, that Scala will capture a significant market share in the coming years - mainly due to it excellent support for building distributed systems.

Until next time and the next chapter of the story, dedicated to the rising star of the JVM world - Clojure.